Elmbrook Helps all Students Succeed with Tiered Wellness Support Using EmpowerU
Top-tier Wisconsin District Delivers Skill-Building Wellness Strategies with Embedded Support to Drive Outcomes in Grades 3-12
Elmbrook Schools is a top-tier school district in Wisconsin. Their academic outcomes are consistently some of the best in the country, but like most districts, their MTSS data was showing a growing number of students struggling with anxiety, depression and motivation at Tier 2.
The Elmbrook MTSS team had developed a robust tiered-wellness pyramid with strong solution partners at Tier 1 and Tier 3. In early 2020, they began their search for a wellness partner that could expand their capacity to support struggling students at Tier 2 – a partner that would help students integrate resilience strategies into daily practice to improve wellbeing and academic engagement.
Their selection criteria required that this new Tier 2 partner have a proven track record and a history of using data to show student progress and outcomes.
Elmbrook began their initial Tier 2 partnership with EmpowerU in 2020 with a vision of utilizing the program’s digital skill-building lessons with embedded 1:1 student coaching to support both educators and secondary student wellbeing.
By spring 2022, Elmbrook had expanded EmpowerU programming to elementary students. The data was clear: EmpowerU was driving improved student outcomes in persistence, resilience and academics
Elmbrook Student Outcomes
Grades 3-12 (21/22 SY)
of students made progress towards their goal
rated EmpowerU Daily Coaching as a factor of their progress/success
rated the course as helpful
would recommend the course to a friend
Elmbrook Staff Program Feedback
Grades 3-12 (21/22 SY)
100% of Elmbrook Staff Reported:
√ Student growth in social-emotional wellbeing or mental health
√ Improved academic engagement and/or attendance

EmpowerU’s revolutionary approach to student success helps students increase resilience, persistence, motivation and success. As active participants in their wellness journey, students complete engaging, online lessons supported by daily 1:1 motivational coaching that fuel improved emotional wellbeing, school attendance, and grades. EmpowerU offers site-based licenses to schools and colleges, as well as access to the credit-bearing course through third-party online schools or direct from the company.