Upcoming and On-Demand Webinar Library
On Demand Content
On Demand
Support Student and Educator Wellbeing this Summer
Summer is a great time to help students and educators focus on their goals and improve their resilience so they can thrive in the upcoming school year.
In this session, you’ll learn:
- Funding and implementation strategies for summer mental health programming
- Ways to double the impact of summer credit recovery by leveraging EmpowerU secondary programs
- How to replace educator burnout with educator resilience by leveraging EmpowerU’s staff mental health and resilience PD, with 1:1 embedded coaching
On Demand
Improve Student Motivation, Behaviors, Well-Being and Success.
Learn how EmpowerU can expand your district’s capacity to support student and educator resilience and mental health … with lasting results. We are excited to show how EmpowerU can help improve student wellbeing, behaviors, motivation and success.
Improve Student Success with Targeted Mental Health Support at Tier 1, 2, and 3.
Watch a 20-minute learning session to learn how EmpowerU can expand your district’s capacity for student support that drives student growth. Learn how our evidence-based programs can be easily implemented in an MTSS framework to deliver data and intervention in one solution, without a heavy lift from staff. Over 90% of students that complete EmpowerU programs make measured progress that eliminates the need for higher escalation.
Support Educator Mental Health and Whole School Wellbeing
Watch a 30-minute webinar to learn how EmpowerU’s on-demand PD course delivers data-driven educator mental health support Learn how resilience training and mental health self-care for educators can build a positive school culture and improve student well-being.
On Demand
How to Build Student Self-Regulation, Motivation and Resilience in Before/After School Programming
Learn how to help PreK-8 learners develop the critical skills to take charge of their thoughts, emotions and behaviors by embedding self-regulation and resilience programming into Before/After School Care..
On Demand
Improve Student Motivation, Behaviors, Well-Being and Success.
Learn how EmpowerU can expand your district’s capacity to support student and educator resilience and mental health … with lasting results. We are excited to show how EmpowerU can help improve student wellbeing, behaviors, motivation and success.
On Demand
A Comprehensive Solution for Tier 2 Behavior, Motivation and Well-Being.
In partnership with Illuminate Education
Students and educators are struggling with non-academic barriers, and the need for support is greater than capacity to meet it. The powerful partnership between Illuminate Education and EmpowerU can effectively expand your ability to meet this critical need with a data-driven solution that combines social-emotional skill instruction and 1-1 support.
On Demand
Professional Development for Educator Resilience and Mental Health.
Learn how to offer a turn-key, self paced professional development program that will help improve educator mental health. Hear from Twin Rivers, California district leaders on how to implement this supportive, data-driven professional development that supports educator well-being while also helping them learn to support student well-being.
On Demand
Expand Your District’s Capacity to Support Student and Educator Mental Health
In partnership with EdWeek
Learn how to help your district meet the urgent need to improve student well-being and motivation with our data-driven solutions. Our tiered solutions can expand your district’s capacity to support student and educator mental health … with lasting results. Our adaptive and personalized instructional design goes beyond teaching core resilience concepts. Our Do First™ methodology helps students apply strategies to their goals, supporting them in taking daily steps toward lasting change.

EmpowerU’s revolutionary approach to student success helps students increase resilience, persistence, motivation and success. As active participants in their wellness journey, students complete engaging, online lessons supported by daily 1:1 motivational coaching that fuel improved emotional wellbeing, school attendance, and grades. EmpowerU offers site-based licenses to schools and colleges, as well as access to the credit-bearing course through third-party online schools or direct from the company.