School Toolbox
How to Enroll an EmpowerU Student @ NSO
STEP ONE: Invite Student to your Office or Zoom Meeting/Google Meet if Remote
Here is a link to a School FAQ with lots of answers to commonly asked questions if you need it. FAQ LINK
Below Are Recommended Talking Points When You Meet with Students:
- Talk to the student about their obstacles and personal struggles – If they are stuck and discouraged, anxious, lacking confidence or low mood – ask if they would like a chance for things to be different by receiving daily support that would help them create a path to overcome those struggles. It is proven to work and is all online – just 15-20 minutes a day with embedded daily coaching that helps support student each day.
- Introduce EmpowerU as hope – an option to invest in their personal growth each day. This course is a chance for them to earn credit as they build skills so they can learn to handle life’s challenges and control their thoughts and emotions. The course is all about them – and 1000’s of students have taken it and found it to be incredibly helpful.
- A Way to Create a Path Forward and Meet Goals: Students will set and meet goals with daily support – and start to take small steps each day to making positive change in their life! We as EmpowerU Coaches walk beside students to check in daily — making sure they feel seen, heard, valued and respected.
- Explain that building resilience is the best predictor of future. This is their chance to control one thing in their life – by investing the time in personal development.
STEP TWO: Show Student Video Below
STEP THREE: Review Course Expectations
Read together with student: Once you are enrolled in the course you will receive an email from your Instructor:
Your EmpowerU Instructor will send a link to EmpowerU, copying the school and parent/guardian on the email for accountability.
It is expected that students will activate the link within 2 school days and get started and complete the first two lessons of EmpowerU with 4 days, and the six lessons in Unit 1 in the first 8 days. This first lesson is critical to finish in order to be considered activated and retain your seat in the course.
Please designate a 20 minute window each school day to complete one complete lesson in EmpowerU. Agree on that specific time with your school counselor now.
EmpowerU works on a smart phone, laptop, school computer or tablet. The course works best in Google CHROME.
At the recommended pace of 5 lessons/week you will complete the course in 12-14 weeks. Mark your target completion date on your calendar now. We will be emailing progress updates to you and your school throughout the course to keep you on pace.
Upon completion, you will receive a semester grade from NOS>
If you are absent or sick, communicate directly with your EmpowerU instructor.
Non-engagement in the course will lead to possible withdrawal from the course, with no credit
This is a credit bearing course, and should be treated as such. Be sure to respond to your instructor’s text and emails within 24 hours.
STEP FOUR: Enroll student through Northern Star Online
You can enroll a student at ANY TIME. It does not need to coincide with the semester, quarter, or trimester – we want to support students when they hit obstacles…. so if you have a student – enroll them now. It’s easy to get started – at no cost if the student has a free period in their school day.
Link to register is below:
Northern Star Online
Other helpful Links:
– If this is your first time registering students with NSO you will need to set up a counselor account. (You’ll only need to do this once!)
– Request courses through this link: Registration Overview
– The Frequently Asked Questions page is a great resource as well.
If the student has a full course-load, a parent can still register for the course for $375/student using HSA dollars through Northern Star Online.
Email or call 612 -964-4168.

EmpowerU’s revolutionary approach to student success helps students increase resilience, persistence, motivation and success. As active participants in their wellness journey, students complete engaging, online lessons supported by daily 1:1 motivational coaching that fuel improved emotional wellbeing, school attendance, and grades. EmpowerU offers site-based licenses to schools and colleges, as well as access to the credit-bearing course through third-party online schools or direct from the company.